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The section below contains testimonials from students of our online lab animal welfare courses and talks. Read on to discover how our courses have helped enrich the lived of laboratory rodents around the world.
We wanted to set up a protocol for measuring gut transit times in our mice. This usually would require oral gavage, so we reached out to the 3Hs Initiative. They were incredibly helpful and with their guidance we were able to set up an alternative experimental approach that doesn’t require any regulated procedures and represents a significant refinement for the mice.
Researcher, UK
I have actually been using one of the methods you discussed on your talk – using 10% condensed milk for oral administration or drugs and for positive re-enforcement when doing protocols with repeated restraint and it has had such a big impact on anxious behaviour in my mice!
PhD student
Your work is great and we will use it as another tool to change the game.
Major pharmaceutical company
We are really interested in this technique as we have previously experienced scruffing stress issues with Lister Hooded rats upon intraperitoneal administration
Researcher, UK
The issue of mouse aggression is one that has direct impact on several aspects of the work that we perform. Ensuring that animals, particularly males, are being housed in the optimal conditions is therefore of significant importance to us.
Major pharmaceutical company
The work by Professor Robinson’s group is bring new understanding about laboratory animal welfare and objective evidence to support that assessment.
Named Veterinary Surgeon, major pharmaceutical company
Many thanks for giving a great seminar yesterday (on the 3Hs). We have had a lot of very positive feedback and I am sure there will be some follow up actions in the animal rooms.
Major laboratory mouse facility, UK
Thank you so much for your advice about ip dosing and help learning the method, it has made a huge difference to our animals and is so much less stressful for me
PhD student, UK
I can’t believe we have not done this before, the habituation with rewards makes the animals so much easier to handle.
Researcher, UK